RESOLVE New England, Trak Fertility and Snowballs are thrilled to be working together to Crank Up the Volume on Men’s Health this June by giving a free Trak Male Fertility Testing System and a pack of Snowballs Underwear to one lucky winner! Simply enter by sending an email with Crank Up the Volume in the subject line by June 15th.

Fertility is not just a woman’s issue. One in five men have a low sperm count. About one third of infertility diagnoses are female factor, one third are male factor, and the remaining third are either unexplained or an issue between that particular man and woman. Additionally, there are lots of ways that men can improve fertility, both naturally and with the help of medical providers.

A man’s reproductive health is linked to his overall health
Sperm provide a window into a man’s overall health. When a man has poor sperm quality, there is often an underlying physiological cause. It could be that he sustained an injury or testicular development issues earlier in life, or maybe there’s a blockage or other urological condition that can be repaired. It could also be the result of an infection or the early sign of a more serious disease. Therefore it is crucial that men with low or poor sperm count or quality get a full Urology work up when experiencing infertility.

His Lifestyle Matters Too
Most women who are trying to conceive are painfully aware of how lifestyle affects their fertility, but many do not know that lifestyle also affects male fertility and sperm production. Occupational hazards, toxins, stress, smoking, poor diet, and limited exercise can have a big impact on a man’s ability to produce sperm. In fact, recent studies have shown that rising obesity and poor lifestyle habits are likely at least partially to blame for the fact that sperm counts have dropped by over 50% over the past 40 years.

But the news isn’t all bad. In fact, the male reproductive system creates millions of new sperm every day, which means that men can always be working to improve their sperm counts and can see improvement in a few months. Avoiding excessive heat, eating more nutrient-rich foods, exercising more regularly, dropping a few pounds, and taking other steps that are generally good for overall health and fitness can really give a boost to sperm count and fertility. Also, certain medications, testosterone treatments, or steroids can be extremely detrimental for sperm production so men who use such substances should talk with a doctor ASAP.

This is an ideal time for this article and for our raffle with RESOLVE New England. It is June after all, the time for Father’s Day and Men’s Health Month and the perfect time to think about, talk about and improve the health (and fertility) of men!

Stephanie Fry is an infertility survivor, advocate, author of The IVF Journal and mother to one incredible IVF miracle. She was first diagnosed with infertility in 2005 and since then has worked personally and professionally with infertility patients, health care providers and fertility-focused businesses from all over the world, including as Director of Corporate Partnerships at RESOLVE New England. Stephanie is currently Director of Marketing at Trak Fertility.

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